(707) 405-1002

Garage Door Repair Services in Calistoga, CA

Chances are, you don't really think of your garage door, at least until it stops working or starts making an odd noise. The door is just always there, opening and closing when you need it. However, should your garage door start to run into problems, it is best to come check out our services at Magic Garage Door and help you fix it and improve the door.

While the garage door may appear simple, there are some different elements that require the input of a professional, as trying to remove and install a new motor or correct a bent track is extremely difficult to perform on your own without prior experience, and the last thing you want to do is have to pay for extra expenses, depending on what the situation is.

The most common problem you run into is the motor dying. Over time, the motor is just going to wear out, and if you have ever had excess weight hanging on the garage door while attempting to open it, it puts a strain on the motor and can cause it to burn out. Changing the motor isn't just as simple as swapping out the old one for a new one. Our professional team at Magic Garage Door is able to identify the type of motor and either install the same model, or help you upgrade. The upgrade can improve the speed at which the door opens and reduce the noise the door causes.


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